Benghazi amusing the masses by diversion

Okay this is a political rant if you will.  So just ignore this post if politics is not your cup of tea. Recently one supposed political side is on a Benghazi tear while the other political supposed side is reacting.  I suspect Congress has nothing else to work with now that they are done with the IRS un scandal for today and bashing the Affordable Care Act yesterday.   I see politics as a deviation from reality where obsession is distraction. So tis  politicians lumber though hoops which do not exist while they try to promote to lobbyist.

A recent blog  which I find enlightening has listed Confucius Quotes link: but one Confucius quote I find particularly accurate in its description of politics is;  “It is hard to find a black cat in a dark room, particularly when there is no cat”.

So here we are with Congress’s  9th attempt to undercover the Benghazi cover up…which is funny when one  connects the dots in which  cats have  nine lives.  Anyway I wrote a poem…I realize not a very good one for I like to do the Irish limerick with my poetry and Benghazi is one heck of a challenge.

Benghazi 9th more

There’s a place called Benghazi

drives the Republicans crazy

Benghazi Republicans love to say the name

Benghazi seems to have driven Republicans insane

Benghazi four Americans came to their death

Benghazi Republicans act like they are on meth

Benghazi Republicans the president they want to impeach

Benghazi from day one they would do anything to reach

Benghazi, 9 times now Republicans have begun

Benghazi saying the name, for Republicans must be fun

Then There’s a place called Iraq not Benghazi you see

American deaths where four thousand four hundred eighty nine

Benghazi Republicans deaths in Iraq must be divine?

Benghazi sounds so good to say, while Iraq has crickets a sign

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi we must hear

Benghazi over and over and over again

Benghazi on a spit we must sear

Benghazi a name Republicans love to say

Benghazi fills the Republicans day

                             Leefeller Guy

My apology to Antytrup, I have not figured out how use the WordPress links tool.


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