The Wheat Harvest

Pieter Breughel the Elder, inspired me with his painting “The Wheat Harvest”…probably because we had an exceptional wet winter and the summer hillsides as they dried into summer had a beautiful golden color, which I saw, Breughel the Elder had in this painting. After some research I found out Breughel was the first painter to paint regular people working and playing instead of the usual stogy religious or wealthy persons… Breughel may have changed and van guarded how artists painted and selected their subject matter.
Breughel’s Wheat Harvest really inspired me to emulate his painting best I could. I used an 18×24 canvas which was already prepared and primed in white flake, (which is very toxic for those who work with it, when wet, though I only painted on top of it dry) I have never used paint with white flake. I must say it was an interesting surface to work on, very smooth and white flake really accepted the brush strokes with pleasure.
You can see the original “Wheat Harvest” on many links, but I found this one from Penn State to be interesting;

Here is my rendition of Piter Breughel the Elders “Wheat Harvest”
